Refer to "LTRT-25703_Mediant_1000B_SBA_Software_Upgrade_for_MS_Lync_Technical_Note.pdf" document.
Establish a serial communication with the following port settings:
• Bits per second: 115200
• Data bits: 8
• Parity: None
• Stop bits: 1
• Flow control: None
After you see "The CMD command is now available" at the SAC> prompt, type "cmd" and press enter.
Type "ch -si 0001" where 0001 is the number of the CMD channel. Then press enter.
You will see X:\windows\system32> prompt.
Press Enter again and then type "gorecover". This should begin the SBA recovery re-image process.
Remove the USB tool from the USB port on the OSN3 module.
Power off and then power on Mediant 1000B to initiate a restart.
During SBA recovery after image has been reloaded, the system needs to be rebooted and when it comes up while you are connected to the serial console you will see the CLI with SAC> prompt. If you hit "i" during this time, it will say "No IP Addresses assigned". This is by design as the system has to go through a bootstrap process after image reload. It will reboot on its own and then the "i" command will be available.
To set the IP address after image reload, type "i" at the SAC> prompt. This command will show you a list of NIC adapters and associated IP addresses. You can use this command to plug in the network cable to the port directly to the right of the serial/console port to see which interfaces are connected. Then unplug the cable and run the "i" command to see which one is disconnected. This should be the port for you to be setting an IP address. Take note of the NIC ID. Then enter this command syntax changing the parameters to your respective configuration:
Then type "i" and press enter to verify.